Lender Soapbox Ep 4 is LIVE

Topics: 2/1 Buydowns vs ARMs | Secondary Market Effects | Oct Market Predictions Episode 4 is LIVE for The Lender Soapbox. You can check it out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

Lender Soapbox Ep 4 is LIVE

Topics: 2/1 Buydowns vs ARMs | Secondary Market Effects | Oct Market Predictions

Episode 4 is LIVE for The Lender Soapbox. You can check it out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

Here is an intro on the topics discussed this week!


Here are the links to our episode - check it out!!

‎The Lender Soapbox on Apple Podcasts
‎Business · 2022

Chapters Timestamps:

1. 2/1 Buydowns vs ARMs (1:20 - 12:08)
2. MBS Market, Discount Points, & Bond Market (12:08 - 20:40)
3. Price Reduction vs Concessions for buyers (20:40 - 28:35)
4. iBuyers Deep Dive & Benefits of using a good Agent (28:35 - 41:51)
5. October Market Predictions (41:51 - 47:14)

Please let me know any feedback or ways you think we can improve! We are doing this as a resource to our realtor partners, we are here to listen to you.