The Lender Soapbox - Ep 5 & 6

The Lender Soapbox - Ep 5 & 6

Episodes 5 & 6 of the Lender Soapbox are live on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

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Episode 5 - Summary

 This is our first LIVE episode of the pod. We bring on a new Loan Officer with Nuwave Lending - Jason Dickson - to discuss:

 a. How to prepare buyers for the new normal

 b. How unemployment print negatively affects interest rates

 c. Wild Rules & Regulations we see on the lending side of transactions and the benefit of using a knowledgeable local lender

Episode 6 - Summary

This week on the Lender Soapbox, Jerry & Michael discuss:

1. How Jerry fought off a bear on a livestream
2. Reverse Mortgages - what they are, benefits, and common misconceptions
3. Market Update - deal fallout & payment shock
4. Why the US Deficit will limit how high rates can actually go
5. Why the next 8 months will be the best time to buy\
